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@ QuakeNet

Inhalt / Content

  1. Welcome
  2. Links
    1. Eggdrop (Tcl-Commands, Manuals)
    2. TCL (Command Manual, Keyword, TclLib)
    3. Guide / Tutorial / Rulez / Helpful
    4. Scripts (Download Sites)
    5. Forum (Resources)
    6. Paste (Leave your text/scripts there)
    7. Other (RAW-Liste, Portal)
    8. b0rk (Forum, Mailinglist, Wiki, Stats)
  3. Files (Downloads)
    1. Most Wanted (Pub!Tcl, QNet Auth)
    2. User Files (bUrN, BouBBIN, CyBex, Elven, Mettwurst, thommey)
    3. Help / Dokumentation (Packages)
  4. Channel rules
  5. Examples / Beispiele (Hello World)
  6. FAQ (Short Examples more in our Forum)
    1. Send (Receive) Action ( /me )
    2. Split Words / Get Args
    3. Use Colors/Bold/Underline/Reverse
    4. Read/Write/Append a File


Welcome on this Site and in our channel.

Before we begin...
We dont wanna give support for eggdrops, you should know the most commands for partyline. When not, join #eggdrop.support!

Willkommen auf dieser Seite und in unserem Channel.

Bevor es losgeht, möchten wir noch mal betonen, das wir auch beschäftigt sind und deswegen keine Lust haben ein Script für euch zu schreiben, aber wir versuchen euch gerne zu helfen.
Wir möchten auch keinen Support für Eggdrops geben, du solltest also die gängigen Commandos für die Partyline kennen. Falls nicht, join #eggdrop.support!




  1. Eggdrop TCL-Commands 1.6.17 ( b0rk mirror )
    All eggdrop related tcl commands and more
    Alle Eggdrop TCL Befehle und mehr
  2. Eggdrop Support 1.6.17 ( b0rk mirror )
    Other stuff, like installation, userflags, partyline and more
    Andere Eggdrop Anleitungen, zB Installation, Userflags, Partyline und mehr

  1. TCL Commands 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5 ( b0rk mirror 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5 )
    Manual site to plain tcl-commands
    Manuals zu allen Standard Tcl-Befehlen
    TCL Keywords 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5 ( b0rk mirror 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5 )
    Search for a keyword ?
  2. TCL/TK
    The main site
  3. Tcllib - The powerfull libary with many function
    Guide / Tutorial / Rulez / Helpful

  1. TCL Eggdrop Beginner Guide -
    Nice short explain of eggdrop coding.
  2. TCL Eggdrop Guide -
    Nice guide, to learn how to code your eggdrop
  3. TCL Guide (PDF)
    Kurze allgemeine Einführung in TCL
  4. Good TCL
    How to write eggdrop scripts that won't choke on brackets and other special characters
    Wie schreibe ich Eggdrop Scripte, die sich nicht an Sonderzeichen verschlucken

  1. Slennox egghelp.org
  2. bseen script site
  3. TCLscript.com
    Forum / Wiki

  1. b0rk.de / official #tcl forum
  2. Slennox egghelp.org community / official eggheads forum
  3. TCLscript.com forum
  4. MC8 PureHype user forum
  5. The Tcler's Wiki
  6. Eggdrop Wiki
    Paste Links

  1. #Tcl Paste
  2. paste from shroud
  3. quakenet:#php - The FREE place to paste your source!
    Other helpful Links / Andere nützliche Links

  1. #help.script - RAW-List
  2. Self-TCL - Portal
    b0rk Resourcen

  1. Forum - at moment a part of Beta-Site
  2. Mailinglist - yeah, eMails exists


    Most wanted TCL-Scripts

  1. QuakeNET Auth from Elven
  2. PUB !TCL from Nevermore ( gzip / txt )
    It allow !tcl with tcl-commands in a channel
  3. TV Script from thommey/CyBex
    User Files (in alphabetical order)

  1. burn like a Radioscript
  2. BouBBIN (Finnish site for #tcl.fi channel)
  3. CyBex has only beta's :-)
  4. Elven - has many nice scripts
  5. Mettwurst - Streamdata, Lagcheck
  6. BlackShroud - BNC with Tcl support
  7. thommey has maskhost and patches
    Help / Dokumentation Files

  1. Eggdrop 1.6.17 Dokumentation
  2. TCL 8.3
  3. TCL 8.4
  4. TCL 8.5
  Channel rules


  1. We only give you examples of how to code something or sometimes we also take a look at your script, but we wont code a whole script for you.
    Maybe we just give you only one sentences as base for you script, but you have to use your brain later on yourself.
  2. No away scripts, or any other kinds of scripts, which show your current status in the public.
  3. No welcome messages, neither peak or seen scripts, no exception if its not public.
  4. No excessive use of !tcl, you should use your own testchannel for that.
  5. There is no need for making your bot idle in #tcl, if you want so show us something make him join and remove him afterwards.
  6. We don't write your script, we give only examples
  7. Don't paste more then 3 lines in the channel, use a paste site!


  1. Wir geben nur Beispiele oder schauen uns auch mal dein Script an, aber wir schreiben dir nicht dein Script.
    Eventuell geben wir dir einen einfach Einzeiler als Grundgerüst, du musst aber trotzdem noch selbst dein Hirn einschalten.
  2. Keine Away Scripte, kein QCheck oder andere die deinen momentanen Zustand public machen.
  3. Keine Welcome Message, Peak oder Seen. Egal ob Public oder als Notice.
  4. Kein excessiver gebrauch von !tcl
    Benutzt eure eigenen Test-Chans.
  5. Es besteht keine notwendigkeit, das dein Bot in #tcl idlet. Wenn du uns etwas zeigen möchtest, lass ihn joinen und entferne ihn einfach später.
  6. Wir schreiben keine Scripte für euch, wir geben nur Beispiele
  7. Nicht mehr als 3 Zeilen in den Channel einfügen, benutze eine Paste Seite!
  Examples / Beispiele

This one line

Diese eine Zeile:

bind pub - !hello pub:hello; proc pub:hello { nick uhost handle channel text } { puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :Hello World, hello $nick, i'm $::botnick"}

do the same as

macht das gleiche wie

# required that alltools.tcl is loaded
bind pub - !hello pub:hello
proc pub:hello { nick host hand chan text } {
    global botnick
    putmsg $chan "Hello World, hello $nick, i'm $botnick and i talk public"

Another examples

Andere Beispiele

# required that alltools.tcl is loaded
bind pub - !example pub:example
proc pub:example { ircnick userhost handle channel text } {
    global botnick
    putmsg $channel "Hello World, hello $ircnick, i'm $botnick and i talk public"
    putact $channel "is talking in action"
    putmsg $ircnick "Sorry for query $ircnick, your first word was [lindex [split $text] 0]"
    putnotc $ircnick "Hello $ircnick, this is a notice, the rest of your words are [join [lrange [split $text] 1 end]]"

See also: proc, eggdrop output, misc, globvars, *raw-list*, *scripts/alltools.tcl*

  FAQ (more in our Forum)

How can i send Actions?

Wie kann ich ACTIONs versenden?

# without Alltools.tcl loaded in config
puthelp "PRIVMSG #channel :\001ACTION is slaping himself\001"
# with Alltools.tcl loaded in config
putact #channel "is slaping himself"
See also: eggdrop output,*raw-list*, *scripts/alltools.tcl*

How can i receive Actions?

Wie kann ich ACTIONs empfangen?

# bind the ctcp-event with keyword "action" to proc ctcp:action
bind ctcp - ACTION ctcp:action
# dest is the channel or botnick (for query)
proc ctcp:action {ircnick userhost handle dest key text} {
    # stop on special users
    if {[string index $dest 0]=="#"} then {
        if {[matchattr $handle bmovf|movf $dest]} then {return 0}
    } elseif {[matchattr $handle bmovf]} then {return 0}
    # search for "is away" in text
    if {[string match -nocase "*is away*" $text]} then {
        # convert text for output when it is a query
        if {[string equal -nocase $::botnick $dest]} {set dest "privat chat"}
        # send notice to ircnick
        puthelp "NOTICE $ircnick :Shutup your away message in $dest!"
        # return 1 ; # for stop other eggdrop procs (not active now)
        # make sure you want stop other procs (like repeat checks, chan rules script)
        # can be looked with '.binds ctcp all'
    return 0 ; # normal/next eggdrop processing

See also: eggdrop output, user, misc, globvars

How can i get the first, the second and other words?

Wie komme ich an das Erste, das Zweite und die anderen Wörter?

# text is mosttime the last arg for the msg,pub,ctcp,..,.. bind event.
# this example use everytime this text to show results "Example [and] {test} text"
set text "Example \[and] \{test} text"; # this text is in use in every example

# quick example (counts begins with 0)
set arg1 [lindex [split $text] 0]; # set to arg1 "Example"
set arg2 [lindex [split $text] 1]; # set to arg2 "[and]"
set arg3- [join [lrange [split $text] 2 end]]; # set to arg3- "{test} text"

# long example
set list [split $text]; # convert a string into a proper Tcl list (Result = "Example {[and]} {{test}} text")
# tcl show only the {word} when special chars exists
set firstword [lindex $list 0]; # get the first word (Result = "Example")
set firstword [lindex [split $text] 0]; # is the same but shorter: (Result = "Example")
set secondword [lindex $list 1]; # get the second word (Result = "[and]")
set thirdandmorelist [lrange $list 2 end]
# get the third and more words (lrange return a list) (Result = "{{test}} text")
set thirdandmorestring [join $thirdandmorelist];
# convert the list to a string (Result = "{test} text")
set thirdandmorestring [join [lrange [split $text] 2 end]]
# is the same but shorter (Result = "{test} text")

See also: list, split, join, lindex, lrange, *special chars*

How can i send bold, underline, reverse or color?

Wie kann ich in Bold, Unterstrichen, Reverse oder in Farbe senden?

# bold = \002
set text "\002 bold \002"
# underline = \037
append text "\037 underline \037"
# reverse = \026
putmsg #channel "\026 reverse \026"
# color = \003[fg[,bg]] (fg=foreground (textcolor/schriftfarbe), bg=background (hintergrund)
puthelp "PRIVMSG #channel :\0034,3 red on green \0032 textcolor blue \003 color reset"
# all colors number are the same like mIRC:
# 0=white, 1=black, 2=darkblue, 3=darkgreen, 4=red, 5=brown, 6=magenta, 7=orange
# 8=yellow, 9=lightgreen, 10=darkcyan, 11=lightcyan, 12=lightblue, 13=pink, 14=darkgrey, 15=lightgrey

See also: eggdrop output, *scripts/alltools.tcl*

How can i read/write a file?

Wie kann ich eine Datei lesen?

## reading:
set filesocket [open "your filename" r]; # open the file
set data(0) [gets $filesocket]; # read line1
set data(1) [gets $filesocket]; # read line2
close $filesocket; # close the file

set filesocket [open "your filename" r]; # open the file
set data [read $filesocket]; # read all
close $filesocket; # close the file
# now you have everything in data and can split $data \n for every line
# like: set line(0) [lindex [split $data \n] 0]; set line(1) [lindex [split $data \n] 1];

# writing or appending (not really required, append creates a file too)
if {![file exists "your filename"]} then { ; # check for file exist
    set fs [open "your filename" w]; # when not exist open with create
} else {
    set fs [open "your filename" a]; # other open with append
puts $fs "your data"; # puts one line to file
close $fs ; # close file

See also: file, filename, open, close, eof, gets, read, tell, seek, fblocked, flush, *forum*
Colors/Farbe: eggdrop command, eggdrop trigger type, tcl ommand, string
Welcome - Links - Files - Channel rules - Examples / Beispiele - FAQ
Any question, hints, tips or suggestion?
Write an eMail to quakenet-tcl-site @ cybex.eng.b0rk.de!
Flags by 3DFlags.com
Fragen, Hinweise, Tips oder Anregungen?
Schreib eine eMail an quakenet-tcl-site @ cybex.ger.b0rk.de!
Flaggen von 3DFlags.com
Last Update: 7 Januar, 2007 12:45